OSHA: 2 Key Safety Performance Metrics You Need to Know

THE SKINNY----------------------- In this edition of our OSHA Power Brief series, we'll define and discuss two critical safety performance metrics: * TRIR: Total Recordable Incident Rate * DART: Days Away from work, days of Restricted work activity, and/or days of jobs Transfer Why is it important to understand these key safety metrics? * The primarily value of TRIR and DART is to evaluate and quantify a company's safety performance. * Companies that meet OSHA's record keeping requirements must calculate, [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:50:50-05:00January 29th, 2014|Good To Know, OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations, Safety Training, Texas OSHA Compliance|Comments Off on OSHA: 2 Key Safety Performance Metrics You Need to Know

Your EMR & How To Lower Your Workers Compensation Rate

The Summary: Although not an actual OSHA metric, your Experience Modification Rate (aka “EMR” or “Mod Rate”) determines how much your company pays for Workers Compensation insurance.  This is a significant factor in how safety performance can impact your bottom line.  Read on to understand why…. Here are the key points to understand: Your EMR compares your WC claim history with competitors in the same industry. It rewards companies with low losses and good safety & claim performance, and [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:51:04-05:00December 16th, 2013|Good To Know, OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations, Safety Training, Texas OSHA Compliance|Comments Off on Your EMR & How To Lower Your Workers Compensation Rate