Texas Surface Coating PBR Preparation

Surface Coating Permit By Rule-PBR in Texas Many Texas manufacturers are unaware of environmental regulations that require companies to seek "authorizations" from TCEQ for emitting air pollutants for their painting and coating processes. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has a very specific air authorization for this activity: "Surface Coating, 106.433"  This authorization is a "PBR" or Permit by Rule.  In order to meet the requirements of this regulation, companies must take inventory of all associated paints and/or coatings and track their usage and emissions to [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:55:51-05:00June 6th, 2017|State & Local Regulation, Texas Environmental Regulations, Texas Hazardous Materials Regulations|Comments Off on Texas Surface Coating PBR Preparation

Hazardous Waste Regulations in Texas – Generator Status

Summary of TCEQ's Industrial and Hazardous Waste “Generator Status” Rules & Regulations Once a company completes the waste determination process, the next step is determine its “Generator Status.” Generator status will ultimately determine the level of hazardous waste management regulations that a company must manage. How To Determine Your Generator Status? Generator status is determined by the quantity of Hazardous and/or Class 1 waste that the company generates each month.  In general, companies who generate less than 1/2 a 55 [...]

By |2021-06-21T18:29:01-05:00June 4th, 2017|Hazardous Waste Management, Texas Environmental Regulations, Texas Hazardous Materials Regulations|Comments Off on Hazardous Waste Regulations in Texas – Generator Status

Q1 EHS Regulatory Compliance Update

  It’s hard to believe that we’re already through the first quarter of 2017, but here we are.  A lot has happened during Q1 in regards to environmental, health and safety regulations and policy so I’ll do my best to cover the highlights in this blog post. Topics: ▪     OSHA Update: New Rules and Deadlines ▪     The Trump Effect on EHS Regulations ▪     EPA Office of Small Business Hosts TX Environmental Regulations Stakeholder Meeting To Discuss Potential Roll-Backs   OSHA Update: New Rules [...]

HSE Consulting Services

Berg Compliance Solutions, LLC is a 3rd party environmental, health and safety consulting business located in Austin, TX. We specialize in helping small manufacturing, construction and industrial services companies manage OSHA health and safety and EPA-TCEQ and Hazardous Materials Regulations. We specialize in helping small companies throughout Texas and beyond to manage environmental & hazardous materials compliance requirements. Our OSHA Health & Safety consulting services include: Mock OSHA Inspection Service Customized Health & Safety Training Written Program Development Turn-Key Outsourced [...]

Waste Water Discharge Permits

Texas manufacturers who opt to install a waste water treatment system and discharge treated waste water must first obtain a discharge permit from their local city or municipality, or POTW.  Manufacturers typically make this decision in an effort to save on related 3rd party transportation and disposal costs for wastes generated from their manufacturing processes. These permits can be complex and require periodic testing, record keeping requirements and can include substantial civil and even criminal penalties for failing to properly manage [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:55:51-05:00April 3rd, 2017|Hazardous Waste Management, State & Local Regulation, Texas Environmental Regulations, Texas Hazardous Materials Regulations|Comments Off on Waste Water Discharge Permits

The Trump Administration’s Anti-Regulation Rhetoric Is Putting American Workers & The Environment At Risk

How The Trump Administrations Anti-Regulation Message Will Hurt American Workers, Local Communities & The Environment   The Trump Administration's anti-regulation rhetoric, combined with recent environmental, health and safety roll backs, is likely creating a “perception problem” among some business leaders that these regulations are no longer relevant or important. For example, I’ve heard several of our customers joke or comment about this issue in recent months. The common theme being, “Now that Trump’s in office, we don’t need to worry about [...]

By |2020-06-02T11:46:21-05:00March 8th, 2017|Fed Regulation, Government Regulation, OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations, State & Local Regulation, Texas Hazardous Materials Regulations, Texas OSHA Compliance|Comments Off on The Trump Administration’s Anti-Regulation Rhetoric Is Putting American Workers & The Environment At Risk