Texas TCEQ Industrial Waste Determination Requirements

This blog post will discuss and summarize the #2 Hazardous Waste Violation in Texas All Texas manufacturers, big and small, generate industrial wastes.  These wastes can include simple “plant trash” (paper, plastic and cardboard), recyclable wastes such as scrap metal, batteries, spent bulbs and in many cases, hazardous wastes such as spent paints, solvents, acids, bases or solids contaminated with hazardous substances. In Texas. all manufacturing facility wastes, even plant trash, are considered “industrial wastes” and are therefore must be [...]

By |2021-08-02T17:10:29-05:00June 30th, 2021|Good To Know|Comments Off on Texas TCEQ Industrial Waste Determination Requirements

What To Expect From OSHA Under The Biden Administration

This blog post consists of a video recording, and transcript, of a webinar given by Russell Carr of Berg Compliance Solutions describing his thoughts on what employers should expect from OSHA under the new Biden Administration Over the next 30 to 45 minutes I'm going to make the argument that employers should expect a return to increased OSHA enforcement efforts and expansion of occupational health and safety regulations under Biden in the coming four years, especially as compared [...]

By |2022-03-21T13:03:55-05:00May 25th, 2021|Good To Know|Comments Off on What To Expect From OSHA Under The Biden Administration

What is Hazard Communication?

Learn All About OSHA's Hazcom Standard There’s no way around it, employees must be made aware of the dangers associated with any potentially hazardous chemicals in their place of work. Hazard Communication, or HazCom for short, is a set of processes that employees must follow when working with chemicals. Because of the number of health and physical hazards that these workers face, special procedures need to be laid out. Here’s everything you need to know about hazard communication, regulations, and [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:51:15-05:00April 30th, 2021|Good To Know, OSHA Health & Safety|Comments Off on What is Hazard Communication?

OSHA General Duty Clause Citations: What You Need to Know

OSHA expects all employers to take reasonable measures to protect workplace exposure to illness, accidents and fatalities. Fines, penalties and other repercussions can exist in instances where employers fail to do so. What is the OSHA General Duty Clause?  While you can’t possibly be prepared for every potential safety hazard that could arise on a typical work day, the OSHA General Duty Clause exists to ensure that employers take action against anything that threatens the health and safety of their [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:50:50-05:00March 16th, 2021|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA General Duty Clause Citations: What You Need to Know

What Happens If You Violate OSHA?: Fines & Penalties

As we all know, OSHA fines and penalties are a worst-case scenario to be avoided at all costs for most employers. No one likes to think about the big, bad “what if”s of the world." With that being said, if the worst does happen and an employee does get inspected and cited, the employer has a choice to either pay the citation without objection or contest the citation if they believe the claim is inappropriate or unfairly calculated. How much [...]

By |2022-03-21T13:02:52-05:00February 4th, 2021|Good To Know|Comments Off on What Happens If You Violate OSHA?: Fines & Penalties

How Safety Consulting Can Improve Your Company’s Culture

We spend a lot of time at work, and most of us are pretty proud of what we do, but under no circumstances should your job ever risk your safety or live. Safe work environments should be a priority for all employers; after all, the health and safety of your workers is your biggest responsibility. Protecting your workers starts with a strong culture of safety at all levels of your company, however creating this culture can be challenging, especially for [...]

By |2022-03-21T13:03:55-05:00December 23rd, 2020|Good To Know|Comments Off on How Safety Consulting Can Improve Your Company’s Culture