OSHA’s TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) and DART (Days Away from Work, Days of Restricted Work Activity, Days of Jobs Transfer) Explained

CHECKOUT OUR NEW OSHA TRIR & DART VIDEO. Back by popular demand, our OSHA Power Brief that discusses and explains TRIR and DART: The Skinny: In this edition of our OSHA Power Brief series, we'll define and discuss two critical safety performance metrics: • TRIR: Total Recordable Incident Rate • DART: Days Away from work, days of Restricted work activity, and/or days of jobs Transfer Why is it important to understand these key safety metrics? • The [...]

By |2022-07-20T12:13:02-05:00January 7th, 2015|Good To Know, OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations, Safety Training, Texas OSHA Compliance|Comments Off on OSHA’s TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) and DART (Days Away from Work, Days of Restricted Work Activity, Days of Jobs Transfer) Explained

OSHA Safety Training in Austin and Central Texas

Can you honestly answer “yes” to each of the following questions?: ▪ Do you know which environmental, health and safety rules and regulations apply to your business and operations? ▪ Are you certain that your company is in full compliance with each of these OSHA, TCEQ and EPA rules and regulations? ▪ Would you and your staff know what to do if one of these agencies showed up tomorrow for a surprise enforcement inspection? If not, you’re not alone. [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:50:50-05:00September 22nd, 2014|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA Safety Training in Austin and Central Texas

OSHA Power Brief: TRIR and DART Scores Explained

Back by popular demand, our OSHA Power Brief that discusses and explains TRIR and DART: The Skinny: In this edition of our OSHA Power Brief series, we'll define and discuss two critical safety performance metrics: • TRIR: Total Recordable Incident Rate • DART: Days Away from work, days of Restricted work activity, and/or days of jobs Transfer Why is it important to understand these key safety metrics? • The primarily value of TRIR and DART is to evaluate and [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:50:49-05:00August 31st, 2014|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA Power Brief: TRIR and DART Scores Explained

OSHA Targets Staffing Agencies Issuing Fines & Penalties

OSHA Begins Targeting Staffing Agencies & Issuing Significant Fines & Penalties UPDATE:  OSHA continues to target staffing agencies with enforcement inspections to hold them accountable for failing to manage safety. OSHA has begun following through on their recent threat to target staffing agencies for health & safety violations. On July 15th, OSHA issued a memorandum regarding intentions to ramp up enforcement efforts directed at staffing agencies and host employers in an effort to protect “temporary workers”, as well as [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:50:50-05:00August 18th, 2014|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA Targets Staffing Agencies Issuing Fines & Penalties

Job Hazard vs. PPE Assessment & Which One is REQUIRED by OSHA

The blog post below, which discusses safety Hazard Assessments, was first published in August of 2014 and is the 4th most popular page on our website.  Given it's popularity, and the importance of the subject, we wanted to briefly update its content. Make sure to read the full blog post to get a better understanding of the differences between these two assessments, but while doing so keep in mind that  while "PPE Assessments" are actually required by OSHA, these [...]

By |2023-05-02T16:26:13-05:00August 11th, 2014|Good To Know, OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations, Safety Training, Texas OSHA Compliance|Comments Off on Job Hazard vs. PPE Assessment & Which One is REQUIRED by OSHA

OSHA: 2 Key Safety Performance Metrics You Need to Know

THE SKINNY----------------------- In this edition of our OSHA Power Brief series, we'll define and discuss two critical safety performance metrics: * TRIR: Total Recordable Incident Rate * DART: Days Away from work, days of Restricted work activity, and/or days of jobs Transfer Why is it important to understand these key safety metrics? * The primarily value of TRIR and DART is to evaluate and quantify a company's safety performance. * Companies that meet OSHA's record keeping requirements must calculate, [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:50:50-05:00January 29th, 2014|Good To Know, OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations, Safety Training, Texas OSHA Compliance|Comments Off on OSHA: 2 Key Safety Performance Metrics You Need to Know