OSHA’s Flammables Storage Guidelines

This has been one of the highest traffic blogs on our website since we posted it a few years ago, so we wanted to add more valuable information for readers. Although this is a very specific topic, flammable chemical storage requirements, there are many more OSHA regulations that companies should be aware of including how to maintain OSHA compliance and how to develop and manage an OSHA safety training program. Given the overwhelming number of complicated regulations that many [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:50:13-05:00October 19th, 2015|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA’s Flammables Storage Guidelines

Should You Contest OSHA Citations?

Here's a good article that weighs the pros and cons of contesting OSHA citations through the Informal Conference process. This blog post is the 8th highest traffic page on our website, so I have added my own comments and updates (August 2021) in parentheses & bold text where appropriate based on our extensive experience helping clients navigator OSHA enforcement actions. OSHA's tempting offer: Should you settle? - M. Lee Smith Publishers M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC Date: June 22 2005 [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:51:05-05:00September 29th, 2015|Good To Know|Comments Off on Should You Contest OSHA Citations?

SWPPP-Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Compliance in Texas

Texas TCEQ Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan/SWPPP Requirements Good practical observations and advice on how to stay in compliance with environmental SWPPP requirements in Texas: As I walk across the property with one of my clients, I point to a patch of exposed soil and say, “That may be a problem.”  In most cases, the client comes back with a look of disbelief, scoffs, or utters some form of profanity prior to yelling, “It’s just dirt!!”  Does this sound familiar? One of [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:47:47-05:00August 26th, 2015|Good To Know, OSHA Health & Safety|Comments Off on SWPPP-Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Compliance in Texas

Head of OSHA Gives Speech on Workplace Safety Challenges and Trends

(This blog post has historically been one of our site's best performers and I finally figured out that most visitors are actually trying to learn more about safety speeches.  As a result I decided to create this video which explores the topic by telling you everything you need to know about safety speeches and if you should give one at your company.  Check this out before you do....) The blog post below which is [...]

By |2022-09-27T10:35:23-05:00July 5th, 2015|Good To Know, OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations, Safety Training, Texas OSHA Compliance|Comments Off on Head of OSHA Gives Speech on Workplace Safety Challenges and Trends

Texas OSHA Compliance Services

Outsourced EHS Compliance Solutions Due to budgetary considerations, many businesses are unable to staff a full time safety manager and instead assign OSHA compliance responsibilities to others such as an operations or HR manager.However, keeping up to date with complex OSHA rules & regulations, program development and documentation, continually assessing the workplace for hazards, providing ongoing safety training for employees, in addition to their other work responsibilities, can see, impossible and overwhelming.Not to mention the fact that effective and [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:51:15-05:00July 5th, 2015|Good To Know|Comments Off on Texas OSHA Compliance Services

OSHA 300 Log Requirements

OSHA 300 Log Basics The "Skinny" All impacted employers with 11 or more employees in the calendar year must create and post their OSHA 300A log each year.   Surprisingly, many companies are unaware of this requirement, especially smaller ones who may have recently surpassed the 10 employee trigger. What's an OSHA 300 log, why should I care, and how do I complete it?  READ ON.... In This Issue OSHA 300 Log Primer, contact me. rcarr@bes-corp.com (512) 923-0374   The [...]

By |2021-08-03T11:11:31-05:00May 17th, 2015|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA 300 Log Requirements